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In this edition: \
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EOFY - Last Chance to use this financial year's budget on Professional Development! 3-day Career Counselling, Coaching and Assessment Course in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney \
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Two tools to assess reactions to change and opportunity awareness \
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How to write a Brilliant CV \
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Embracing Innovation in K-12 \
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Recent Research \
| Great Leadership and Career Development Courses that embrace complexity\
Enrol in the Graduate Certificate in Education (Career Development). This CICA endorsed 4 unit course is available to all graduates, and the term "education" is used inclusively to include adults in organisations as well as those in schools or universities. Students with backgrounds in HR, Psychology, Rehabilitation, Coaching, Private Practice, Career Counselling, Universities, Elite Sports, and Careers Teachers commonly enrol (and graduate) from our program. Careers Industry Council of Australia (CICA) endorsed. \
More details about the course can be found here. \
My 3-day course has ACU approval to be a credit against one subject in this program (see below). \
The ACU Master in Educational Leadership Course provides a values underpinned, research driven, practically orientated program designed to support the capabilities of current and aspiring educational leaders wishing to enhance their leadership capacity within the context of their professional settings and the Australian national standards. Details here \
Career Coaching, Counselling and Assessment 3-day Course 2017\
Last three dates announced for 2017 at the time of publication- do not miss out. \
Presented by Professor Jim Bright, BA, PhD, FAPS, FNICEC, FCDAA \
This course provides a grounding in contemporary theory and practice in career coaching, counselling and assessment. Covers major and approaches as well as newer approaches such as the Chaos Theory of Careers. It provides an introduction to the theory and practical administration and interpretation of psychometric tests in career development. \
Attendees are provided with a generous collection of resources including a workbook, several books, and full sets of test materials. Typical attendees include Coaches, Career counsellors, HR professionals, Rehabilition professionals, Teachers, Sports Welfare Officers and Psychologists. \
This course can provide a full credit against the subject EDSS612 Career Assessment, Theory and Job Search Advising at Australian Catholic University. This is one of 4 courses that comprise the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) endorsed Graduate Certificate in Education (Career Development) taught in Melbourne and Sydney. Delegates must elect to complete and pass the relevant additional post-course assessments. Entrance to the ACU course is for those with Graduate level qualifications and is at the sole discretion of ACU. \
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Using the Change Perception Index and the Luck Readiness Index in coaching and counselling change\
It is now well established that chance events are central to the career experiences of most people (Betsworth & Hanson,1996; Borg, Bright & Pryor, 2006; 2014; Bright, Pryor, Chan & Rijanto, 2009; Bright, Pryor & Harpham 2005; Bright, Pryor, Wilkenfeld & Earl, 2005; Hirshi, 2010; Krumboltz & Levin, 2004; Neault, 2002; Patton & McMahon, 2006). Luck Readiness is defined as recognising, creating utilising, and adapting to opportunities and outcomes occasioned by chance. The Luck Readiness Index (Pryor & Bright, 2005b) assesses eight dimensions: Flexibility, Optimism, Risk, \
Curiosity, Persistence, Strategy, Efficacy, and Luckiness. \
The Luck Readiness Index (LRI) has proved to be useful in measuring people\'92s ability to use unplanned events to develop creative responses to career problems of people who may feel \'93stuck\'94 or trapped in their circumstances. It has also proved to be valuable in helping those who feel threatened by chance events, especially those seen as beyond their control. The LRI has also been used in career development research (e.g. Borg 2014, 2015; Lengelle, Meijers, Poell, Geijsel & Post, in press). \
The Complexity Perception Index (CPI) (Bright & Pryor, 2005b) is a psychometrically \
constructed inventory designed to measure an individual\'92s typical reactions to the different implications of change as a consequence of complexity. It is designed to gauge people\'92s responses to the following key chaos concepts: acceptance of Continual Change ; need for Control/Certainty; Non-linearity; Phase Shift; Emergence; Goal or Point attractor; Role or Pendulum attractor; Torus or Routine Attractor; Strange or Complexity Attractor; and Purpose/Spirituality. More complete descriptions of these dimensions can be found in Bright and Pryor (2005c). \
For a back ground paper containing more information about using these scales, and how to purchase licenses click here \
Try out these tests here \
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New Book\
How to write a Brilliant CV 5th Edition\
From the publishers website: \
\cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
How do you get your CV to the top of the pile? When you apply for a job, your CV is compared to hundreds of others. You've only got the time it takes the employer to scan the pages to show how brilliant you are. How do you impress them when you don't know what employers are actually looking for? Now fully updated and revised to give you the most up-to-date and effective guidance, Brilliant CV tells you what a prospective employer is looking for and how to write it - now. * Learn how to write CVs that make the shortlist * Understand what employers love and loathe * Revamp your existing CV with minimum effort * Learn how to make the most of online applications and social media Find out what works in the real world and learn how to put it into practice through examples, exercises, samples and templates. With brilliant new chapters on how to tackle online applications and using social media to land that perfect job, you'll be well prepared and ready to really shine and stand out from the rest\cf0 \kerning1\expnd0\expndtw0 . \
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Embracing Innovation in K-12\
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Complexity and constant change are at once the most daunting and the most exciting features of 21st Century careers. \'a0In the gig economy, young people will be more responsible than any generation before them for successfully navigating their own way through a lifetime of roles. And this extra responsibility comes as technological waves break faster and faster over industries, constantly shifting the demand for skills. \'a0A one-off career decision before leaving school is no longer enough. Perhaps it never was. \'a0\cb1 \
\cf3 \cb4 To take advantage of this exciting world, children and young adults need to learn how to explore, design and manage for themselves, their life and career ongoing, long before the first decision looms. \'a0BEcoME brings the latest in Career Development thinking to students at the right time for their unique needs, in an experience that will inspire rather than inform. \cf0 \cb1 \kerning1\expnd0\expndtw0 \cf3 \cb4 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
BEcoME is an exciting new approach to early years career developed founded by Liv Pennie. Just as BEcoME is a collision of academia and innovation, Liv brings unique experience from these two worlds together. \'a0She holds an MA in Psychology, a Graduate Certificate in Education & Career Development combined with 18 years in advertising developing winning strategies, communications and innovative digital products at some of the best agencies around the world. \'a0All this combined with 4 years of service as a Board Director of SchoolAid has been the perfect backswing for launching BEcoME. \cf0 \cb1 \kerning1\expnd0\expndtw0 \
I was invited to give a talk about the world of careers, especially in relation to Ed Tech solutions and younger people to a Meetup group organised by Liv in Sydney this week. The event was Livestreamed on the Facebook group Embracing Innovation in K-12 and it can still be viewed there if you join. \
\cf0  \
\cf3 \cb4 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
\cf0 \cb1 \kerning1\expnd0\expndtw0 You can learn more about BEcoME here .\
Search on Facebook for the Embracing Innovation in K-12 group and ask to be invited \
\cf0 Recent Research\
Pryor, R. & Bright, J. (2013). Fostering Creative Transformations in Organizations with Chaos. \
Chaos and Complexity Theory for Management: Nonlinear Dynamics, Edition: 1, Chapter: 8, \
Publisher: Business Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), \
Editors: Santo Banerjee, pp.164-183\
This chapter introduces the Chaos Theory of Careers (Pryor & Bright, 2003b, 2011) as applied to organizational behavior. The authors argue that organizations and the people within them can be usefully thought of as complex dynamical open systems \'96 or strange attractors. From this perspective, organizational behavior can be understood in chaos terms such as attractors, fractal patterns, non- linearity, \
emergence, and phase shifts. Understanding organizations in dynamic terms provides a coherent picture of the inherent uncertainty and change that organizations face. This, in turn, has implications for management models that need to move from command, control, and predict, to facilitation and disruption of closed system processes. The difference between organizational anarchy and a principled chaos-based approach are highlighted. A model of organizational and personal creativity is presented and linked to concepts such as fractal behavior, career development and the re-thinking of traditional goal-centered approaches to management and change. For organizations to thrive in a world that is inevitably complex, uncertain, and changing, the authors argue that the Chaos Theory of Careers provides a coherent management framework and suggests approaches that will foster the development of a creative and flexible organization to meet these contemporary challenges.Paper here \
Pryor, R & Bright, J (2014). The Chaos Theory of Careers (CTC): Ten years on and only just begun. Australian Journal of Career Development. \
The developments in the Chaos Theory of Careers (CTC) are outlined for the last decade since the publication of the original formulation in this journal in 2003 (Pryor & Bright, 2003a). The history of the development of the CTC and the major theoretical constructs of the theory including context, complexity, change, chance, attractors, emergent patterns and fractals are described. The empirical evidence directly relevant to the CTC formulation and its efficacy as a counselling approach are reviewed. Practical tools to use with a CTC approach such as assessments, card sorts and counselling strategies are described. The impact of the CTC approach on practice and theory is discussed. Future applications of the CTC related to adaptability and cultural diversity are highlighted. It is concluded that the CTC provides the most coherent and comprehensive current account of career development behaviour that can incorporate both modernist and post-modernist perspectives. The last decade has demonstrated the theoretical and practical value of the CTC, but there remains enormous untapped potential to explore in the next decade. The Chaos Theory of Careers (CTC): Ten years on and only just begun. Available here: \
and for those who like golf, and might be interested in some of my other work from the vaults!... \
Differences between implicit and explicit acquisition of a complex motor skill under pressure: An examination of some evidence \
Bright, J & Freedman, O. (1998). British Journal of Psychology. \
Masters (1992) argued that an implicitly acquired motor skill is less likely to fail under pressure than an explicitly acquired skill. He demonstrated this by showing that induced anxiety led to differences in the golf putting performance of groups who had acquired the skill implicitly and explicitly. We replicated Masters’ basic findings but our results suggest that the difference in performance under pressure is more readily explained in terms of differences between the learning and testing conditions. Our results are consistent with an explicit learning account of the putting task and we found no support for the claim that implicit and explicit learning of motor skills are differentially affected by anxiety. Differences between implicit and explicit acquisition of a complex motor skill under pressure: An examination of some evidence. \
Available here: \
Contact me if you wish to know more about any of the papers listed above. | \
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