Category Archives: Counseling

counseling articles

My top 10 career development books

Career Development Books

My top 10 career development books It is an almost impossible task to come up with a definitive list of my top ten career development books. However I set myself the task of choosing a list of books that met my following criteria. My top ten career development books: I have personally found them useful and inspirational ...


Goals are not enough for success in a Chaotic world

Goals are promoted as the way to success in many coaching, counseling and training situations. Goals are not enough for success in a Chaotic world is the title of my latest youtube video embedded here. The world changes, you change, change is inevitable except from a vending machine.  The point of this video is to overcome ...


22 effective Coaching Questions: Pixar’s 22 Rules of Story Telling Applied to Coaching


Coaching can benefit from animation company Pixar and their rules of story telling.  Pixar has 22 rules of story telling, according to David Price, the author of Pixar Touch - see his blog here. He gleaned these rules from the tweets of Emma Coats, a Pixar storyboard artist. I think they can be usefully ...


Creating creative coaching sessions – Keyhole coaching

key hole coaching Dr Jim Bright

Are we stuck in rather unimaginative approaches to how we deliver coaching or counseling sessions?  How can we start creating creative coaching sessions? This post is prompted by Madeline Paterson who commented on my post Act before you think as follows: "I would be interested in hearing more about your thoughts on the tendency of our ...


Coaching Fractal Action for Personal Development

We get frustrated when we are unsure how to act, and feel disheartened when we voluntarily or involuntarily act in ways that are not true ourselves.  We can get lost while searching for the sweet spot that lies between pattern and surprise, consistency and spontaneity, security and risk, familiarity and freedom, and order and disorder. ...


Act before you think: In coaching and careers

"Nothing will be achieved if first all objections must be overcome" said the wise Eleanor Roosevelt.   Objections prevent action.  Objections to our own actions are ultimately authored by ourselves.  Others may advise caution or object, but it takes us to take on board and own those objections to prevent us from acting.  It is our ...


The role of parents in career development and thoughts on my father

here is a link to my column in the Sydney Morning Herald and Age newspapers on parents and careers. The role of parents in career development is critical. Here I share some thoughts on the role of parents in career development and thought on my father. Vale John Robert Bright 1925 - 2011  
