Category Archives: Creativity

creativity articles

The imperfect career and a gift from Brene Brown

Gifts of Imperfection

I got a gift from Brené Brown the other day.  Actually you could call it a gift squared, because the gift was The Gifts of Imperfection, her popular and really very very good book. Brené, unbeknownst to me, offers prizes for contributions of comments to her blog. My name came out of her Houston Hat, ...


Read The Chaos Theory of Careers Chapter 1 for free here!

Read the first chapter of my new book The Chaos Theory of Careers for free here: KindleReader.LoadSample({containerID: 'kindleReaderDiv1', asin: 'B004VEJ1Z6', width: '700', height: '782'});


Is the Chaos Theory of Careers doing Practitioners out of a job?

The Chaos Theory of Careers says its all down to chance right? So why do you need a career practitioner if it is all chance?  So the logic goes that gives rise to the question and title of this blog.  It is a question that I am told was asked at a recent CDAA meeting. Let ...


Jim Bright talking change and chaos video from his Cannexus Keynote 2011

Here is a five minute video of my Keynote "Know Change and No Change: how I learned to love Chaos" presented at the Cannexus Career Development Conference in January 2011 If you like it, please mark it as liked on youtube and even leave a comment or two!


Having the courage to live authentically on the edge of chaos

The most common way of dealing with uncertainty is to close our minds and limit our options and behaviors.  The trouble is that the world and the people in it are uncertain, and our typical response to that risks us not exploring that world or ourselves.   If you believe the world is flat and that ...


Transform your Career by Shifting: Shift 6 From Probabilities To Probable Possibilities

Shiftwork is the work we have to do to manage, thrive and survive in a world where shift happens.  I've identified 11 shifts that we have to make (see here), so far I've addressed the first five, and in this post, I address the sixth shift.  The earlier ones you can read by following these ...


Transform your Career by shifting: Shift 5 From Risk As Failure To Risk As Endeavour

Shiftwork is the work we have to do to manage, thrive and survive in a world where shift happens.  I've identified 11 shifts that we have to make (see here), so far I've addressed the first four, and in this post, I address the fifth shift.  The earlier ones you can read by following these ...
