If you are not failing, you are not trying hard enough. JPGetty. The overlooked benefits of failure in #careers http://bit.ly/93YLQr # Oppositional Thoughts...Every day, I am getting better and better. It’s what I’m getting better at that is worrying me. # It has been claimed that job hopping is not good for your career, see my Factory ...
Category Archives: News
Twitter Updates for 2010-08-16
BPM® Personal #creativity Action Step 4: Emulating - a demonstration of learning and mastery, provides the foundation for creativity #career # BPM® Personal #creativity -Improvisation is composition speeded up and composition is improvisation slowed down http://bit.ly/bpm-creativity # A practical model of creativity to use with clients based on Chaos Theory of Careers. http://bit.ly/dlXUYe #creativity #chaos #career # Career ...
Twitter Updates for 2010-08-15
Oppositional Thoughts.I followed the advice about telling #stories on the job, but when they realized what my stories were about I was fired # My latest Brightside column in #TheAge #SMH answers reader whose job hunting was damaged by #socialmedia http://bit.ly/99aAtL #CAREER #JOB # Chaos Theory of Careers-Patterns to help understanding. squares, circles, triangles - too ...
Twitter Updates for 2010-08-14
Oppositional Thoughts...What if you follow your Passion and your Passion gets a restraining order against you for stalking? # Oppositional Thoughts...In the kitchen of a safe house in the witness protection program do you have to keep spilling the beans? # Amazing Resumes. Evidence-based.Ch 1.Selling yourself is about being positive and persuading others to share this view ...
Twitter Updates for 2010-08-13
Chaos Theory of Careers: plan for the unplanned, look at the emergent patterns of your life http://bit.ly/b0xQiF #complexity #careers #chaos # Amazing Resumes. Evidence-based.Ch 2.The best candidate for the job will be best match all the requirements of the job.http://bit.ly/aamUTD # A practical model of creativity and to use with clients based on Chaos Theory of Careers. ...
Twitter Updates for 2010-08-12
Change is like a spider. Seeing it unsettles us, but when it moves towards us we freak out # Career Coaching, Counselling & Assessment Course, 3-days with Jim Bright, in Melbourne Oct 19 - 21. Details here http://bit.ly/ajxmzJ # Career Coaching, Counselling & Assessment Course, 3-days with Jim Bright, in Sydney Sept 15-17, in Melbourne Oct 19 ...
Twitter Updates for 2010-08-11
Oppositional Thoughts...I can’t set my goals. I tried putting them in the freezer, but they are still runny. # Chaos Theory of Careers...Shiftwork, Shift 6 move from thinking Probabilities to imagining Possibilities # Billionaire's first jobs http://bit.ly/bSOfpt # Career Coaching, Counselling & Assessment Course, 3-days with Jim Bright, in Melbourne Oct 19 - 21. Details here http://bit.ly/ajxmzJ # Career ...