Do you prefer Chaos or Order? Take the test!

Take a look at these two wordles – which one contains the most words that you like or relate to – Picture A or Picture B? When you’ve decided follow the link to our Linkedin Careers Debate Poll and vote!

UPDATE: 9 March – currently 90% of voters prefer (37%) or strongly prefer (53%) Wordle A  – all about change, chaos and chance!  So why is it, that we continue to hear so many messages focused on the words in Wordle B and so relatively few messages focused on the words in the wordle A?  Why do we like change, chance, creativity, novelty and ambiguity, yet settle for plans and predictability?

WORDLE A Chaos (you can click on the images to make them bigger)

chaos wordle


or WORDLE B Order (you can click on the images to make them bigger)

order wordle

So which one has the most words you like?

Wordle A – Change, Chance, Chaos  or Wordle B – Order, Plans, Predictability.

So folks like predictability, order, little or no change. Whereas others prefer continual change, uncertainty and chance.  Which words draw you in?  Which words unnerve you?  What does this say about you?  Have you changed in your preferences for these groups of words over the years?  Why has that happened?




2 thoughts on “Do you prefer Chaos or Order? Take the test!

  1. Cecile

    I planned to have a successful career – completed the obligatory degree, found my ladder to success was on the wrong wall and continually shifted it as I grew into the person I am today. It’s been a wonderful journey as I and my career continue to evolve.

  2. Pingback: I’m back…kinda sorta | bohemiangypsy

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