Coaching with the Chaos Theory of Careers: Signposts Cards handout Webinar-8-Signposts A post describing the Signposts Cards Factory Blog Using Signposts Cards LINK TO WEBINAR 8
Protected: Coaching with the Chaos Theory of Careers: Using the Luck Readiness Index
Coaching with the Chaos Theory of Careers: Using the Luck Readiness Index handout here webinar7-LRI A paper describing the LRI (and CPI) Bright Pryor Chaos and Assessment CPAD 2007
Protected: Webinar 6 Coaching with the Chaos Theory of Careers: The Change Perception Index
Webinar 6 was first broadcast on 20th/21st September 2012. Here is the recording of that session. Handout is here Webinar-6-CPI-handout A blog post on the CPI is here LINK TO WEBINAR HERE Background papers A paper by us on CPI is here: Bright Pryor Chaos and Assessment CPAD 2007
Protected: Webinar 5 Coaching with the Chaos Theory of Careers: using stories, narratives and plots
Webinar 5 was first broadcast on 6th/7th September 2012. Here is the recording of that session. Handout is here Webinar-5-Stories-handout A paper by us on Narrative is here Archetypal naratives inn career counselling- a chaos theory application Pryor Bright IJEVG 2008 Background papers on Narrative by Dave Snowden Snowden on story narrative patterns-perils and possibilities_final Narrative Research Snowden FINAL LINK TO ...
Webinar 4 – Coaching clients to see fractal patterns in their actions.
Here is the handout for Webinar 4 - click hereHere is the handout for Webinar 4 in a SMALLER FILE SIZE FOR EASIER DOWNLOADING - click here the recordings of the webinar 3 first broadcast August 23/24 2012 - Coaching with the Chaos Theory of Careers: coaching clients to see fractal patterns in their actions LINK ...
Webinar 3 – Coaching with the Chaos Theory of Careers: Using the Attractors
Coaching with Chaos Webinar 2 – Using the Exploring Chaos Reality Checklist
This is the second in the webinar series. Later I will post a recording of the webinar here. For the time being, here are today's slides. This is Webinar 2 Coaching with the Chaos Theory of Careers - Exploring ChaosReality Checklist. You need to have paid for a subscription to this webinar or the whole series. ...