Life Creativity - Applying Beyond Personal Mastery® to Life Changes I want to share with you my model of Creativity that provides practical steps to enhance Life and Career changes. I will describe the model in this post, and in subsequent ones discuss each of the steps in greater detail. Here is the Beyond Personal Mastery® model. Beyond ...
Tag Archives: coaching
The Edge of Chaos Posters
I want to share a resource I've been working on over the last week called the Edge of Chaos Posters. I've designed a couple of posters that try to illustrate the idea of the relationship between certainty and uncertainty. I decided to select words that in some way illustrate the ideas of certainty and uncertainty, order ...
Embracing Uncertainty in Life and Careers
What does uncertainty mean to you? To many uncertainty is a threat to be avoided or overcome. To others it offers surprise and opportunity. For some it is both of these things depending upon the context. Uncertainty has a love-hate relationship with planning. On the one hand uncertainty is one of the major reasons people make ...
Transform your career by shifting: Shift 10 – From Knowing In Advance To Living With Emergence
Being spokesman for a generation is the worst job I ever had: Gen Y myths dispelled
Redundancy is generally a bad thing but there are plenty of people who should be made redundant without delay: Kim Jong Il of North Korea, and Omar Al Bashir of Sudan spring to mind. They should be joined by the self-proclaimed spokespersons for a generation. Especially the Gen Y spokespeople because of the widespread disservice ...
The imperfect career and a gift from Brene Brown
I got a gift from Brené Brown the other day. Actually you could call it a gift squared, because the gift was The Gifts of Imperfection, her popular and really very very good book. Brené, unbeknownst to me, offers prizes for contributions of comments to her blog. My name came out of her Houston Hat, ...
Jim Bright talking change and chaos video from his Cannexus Keynote 2011
Here is a five minute video of my Keynote "Know Change and No Change: how I learned to love Chaos" presented at the Cannexus Career Development Conference in January 2011 If you like it, please mark it as liked on youtube and even leave a comment or two!