The world is changing, you are changing, change is inevitable (except from a vending machine). So the question is what are you doing about it? Maybe you need to get into SHIFTWORK. I have re-defined the term "Shiftwork". Shiftwork is the work we all have to do to manage, survive and thrive in the face of ...
Tag Archives: creativity
Remembering: how to be creative
A different take on creativity This is not a love song. This is not a love song. With apologies to Johnny Rotten, this is not another blog about creativity promoting the message “if only you were more like ______” (complete the sentence with your preferred media friendly successful person). This is not about determining which psychological traits ...
Getting Creative Solutions Using Creative Thinking Strategies Cards
We marvel at the some people's ability to seemingly effortlessly generate creative ideas, and we know it is something that we'd like to be able to do more regularly and readily. We certainly would like to see it in our coaching clients, or our teams at work. It is very easy to issues injunctions to ...
The 3 Rs of Creativity and Careers
The 3 Rs of Creativity and Careers I found myself coining a new phrase to capture some of the key ideas in career development. The phrase is: Reinvent, Respond, Resort The idea flowed from an inspiration from Steve Jobs being interviewed by Stephen Fry in Time Magazine. Jobs responding to Fry's question about his "career" said ""I do stuff. I ...
Carole King Tapestry – Albums that speak volumes about careers and life
Oppositional thoughts…Amusing thoughts against simplicities in careers and life Volume 2
Oppositional Thoughts…I was advised to demonstrate a good fit to get the job. So I had a hissy fit at the recruiter. Oddly it didn’t work