Tag Archives: innovation

Inspiration – the first step into creativity

Inspiration - the first step into creativity Inspiration is the starting point for creativity in the Beyond Personal Mastery® model. The inspiration step is all about getting ideas and experiences.  People cannot be creative, change or reinvent themselves unless they have some ideas or experience. The mind map below some ways in which people can boost their inspiration.   So ...


Creativity – why you need more lego to go Beyond Personal Mastery®

Creativity - why you need more lego to go Beyond Personal Mastery® This is a new video from Bright and Associates to illustrate some of the key ideas in the Beyond Personal Mastery® creativity framework.  It relates to the Inspiration Action step of the Beyond Personal Mastery® model and the Combining & Adding step.  The more ...


Goal setting: a challenge for the imagination or a crisis of imagination? By Jim Bright

In our haste to “get on and do something” or worse to be seen to be doing something, we rush to a plan, a goal, and in so doing we fail to consider the creative and imaginative possibilities that may offer alternatives.
Luckily, this act of gross over-simplification creates only short-term damage, because inevitably life will happen when we are making these other plans. John Lennon, the author of that observation was busy making other plans about his next album when he was murdered.
