Tag Archives: jim bright

Transform your Career by shifting: Shift 5 From Risk As Failure To Risk As Endeavour

Shiftwork is the work we have to do to manage, thrive and survive in a world where shift happens.  I've identified 11 shifts that we have to make (see here), so far I've addressed the first four, and in this post, I address the fifth shift.  The earlier ones you can read by following these ...


Oppositional Thoughts Volume 6 Amusing Sideways look at Careers, HR and Life Advice

Oppositional Thoughts Oppositional thoughts...Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success...but a real laundry headache... Oppositional thoughts...The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions. ~ Da Vinci...in his opinion.... Oppositional thoughts...Your power is proportional to your ability to relax...so I am most powerful when asleep?  Kind of figures... Oppositional thoughts..As long as your going to ...


Transform your Career by shifting: Shift 4 From Control To Controlled Flexibility

Shiftwork is the work we have to do to manage, thrive and survive in a world where shift happens. I've identified 11 shifts that we have to make (see here) and the first shift (see here) and second shift (see here) and I provide some tips about how to achieve the third one here.  Below I ...


Creativity – why you need more lego to go Beyond Personal Mastery®

Creativity - why you need more lego to go Beyond Personal Mastery® This is a new video from Bright and Associates to illustrate some of the key ideas in the Beyond Personal Mastery® creativity framework.  It relates to the Inspiration Action step of the Beyond Personal Mastery® model and the Combining & Adding step.  The more ...


Transform your Career by shifting: Shift 3 From Narrowing Down To Being Focused On Openness

Shiftwork is the work we all have to do to manage, survive and thrive in the face of a world where Shift Happens. I've identified 11 shifts that we have to make (see here) and the first shift (see here) and second shift (see here) below I give a few tips about how to achieve the ...


Transform your Career by shifting: Shift 2 From Plans To Plans And Planning

Shiftwork is the work we all have to do to manage, survive and thrive in the face of a world where Shift Happens. I've identified 11 shifts that we have to make (see here) and the first shift (see here) below I give a few tips about how to achieve the second one. Shift 2: From Plans ...
