Tag Archives: jim bright

Transform your Career by shifting: Shift 1 From Prediction to Pattern Making

Shiftwork is the work we all have to do to manage, survive and thrive in the face of a world where Shift Happens. I've identified 11 shifts that we have to make (see here) and below I give a few tips about how to achieve the first one. Shift 1: From Prediction To Prediction And Pattern Making The ...


Shift: Transform you career by SHIFTING

The world is changing, you are changing, change is inevitable (except from a vending machine). So the question is what are you doing about it?  Maybe you need to get into SHIFTWORK.  I have re-defined the term "Shiftwork". Shiftwork is the work we all have to do to manage, survive and thrive in the face of ...


Remembering: how to be creative

A different take on creativity     This is not a love song.  This is not a love song.  With apologies to Johnny Rotten, this is not another blog about creativity promoting the message “if only you were more like ______” (complete the sentence with your preferred media friendly successful person). This is not about determining which psychological traits ...


Oppositional Thoughts Volume 5 Amusing sideways looks at Careers, HR and Life Advice

Oppositional thoughts…I quit my job when they stopped serving free booze on my regular flight. No point continuing as an Airline Pilot…


Getting Amazing Results on your resume

Amazing Resumes by Jim Bright and Jo Earl

Extract from Amazing Resumes by Jim Bright & Jo Earl, published by Jist This post covers issues to do with CV layout, and how to deal with your education and qualifications on your resume.  Before the extract is a short background to the book. Background The material comes from my book Amazing Resumes.  This book is the ...


Diary of a loser – by Simon Says, Motivational Speaker, Coach & Horse Doctor

demotivation motivational poster

Coaching - Simon Says, Motivational Speaker, Coach I have received an unusual request by a motivational speaker, who I must confess I have never heard of, but assures me is an International legend.  He asked me if he could use this space to share his year with you. So Dear Reader, thanks for reading me in ...


Oppositional Thoughts…Volume 4

Here is Volume 4 of my Oppositional Thoughts...They are designed to gently puncture some of the slightly precious life advice out there, and to complexify overly simplistic homilies, that make life appear a lot simpler than it is in reality. You can find Volume 3 here and Volume 2 here and Volume 1 here Oppositional thoughts...There is ...
