Tag Archives: job

110 Job Hunting Resume, CV and Interview Tips

110 job hunting resume cv and interview tips from Jim Bright Here are some tips for Job Hunting, Resumes, Interviews, and Testing for 2011. As an author of job hunting books that have sold way in the 100,000s in the USA, UK, Australia, China, Vietnam, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Japan (you get the idea), with titles like Amazing ...


Is the Chaos Theory of Careers doing Practitioners out of a job?

The Chaos Theory of Careers says its all down to chance right? So why do you need a career practitioner if it is all chance?  So the logic goes that gives rise to the question and title of this blog.  It is a question that I am told was asked at a recent CDAA meeting. Let ...


Transform your Career by shifting: Shift 3 From Narrowing Down To Being Focused On Openness

Shiftwork is the work we all have to do to manage, survive and thrive in the face of a world where Shift Happens. I've identified 11 shifts that we have to make (see here) and the first shift (see here) and second shift (see here) below I give a few tips about how to achieve the ...


Leaving a job: Telling people where to stick it and helping them remember where

Leaving a job: Telling people where to stick it and helping them remember where I was in Woolworths the other day and decided to try out an alternative career as a check out chap using their self service system. I came away mystified and marveling - mystified as to how to open those flimsy plastic bags ...


Design your own job

if you are on the look out for a new role, don’t put all your energies into squeezing yourself into a badly fitting job, have the confidence to work out the type of role you’d like and be good at, and offer it to your employer. You never know, you might just transform not only your own career, but the fortunes of your employer as well.


Managing your job with a terminal or chronic illness


You need to decide on a preferred “communications policy”. In other words, you need to decide who you want to share
your diagnosis with. Some people will prefer to limit knowledge of their condition to a manager and no one else, whereas others will want the information disseminated more broadly.
