The Chaos Theory of Careers asserts we should consider our careers much in the same way we think about the weather. That there are broad patterns of relative stability, but at the same time there are significant patterns of instability and that trying to predict much in advance is futile.
Tag Archives: luck
World cup careers, fine lines, hands of God and all that chaos
Generally speaking in the game of Association Football, hands are only used to thump other players, grab large amounts of cash for endorsements, and to hold the manicured hands of teamate’s wives and girlfriends, or should that read “hands of teamates, wives and girlfriends”. An apostrophe and a comma radically alter the meaning. Two of the tiniest grammatical devices can make all the difference between a team player and a player of the field. Small things matter.
The Secret
What is mind, no matter, what is matter, never mind. If you believe nothing will happen to you, believe me, nothing will!” After delivering this line, Dr Bigger promptly falls off stage landing on his coccyx…
On the verge
We spend so much of our time urging clients to prepare prepare prepare, yet in my case, if I do this, I become stale. I get bored. I forget what I think I am going to say. I know what I will say, but I don’t know. It is a fractal idea from Chaos Theory – the same but different, sort of like old, but unique. I often do not know what is going to come out of my mouth 10 seconds before I go on.
SHIFTWORK: the work we do to help clients with their shifts
Approaches that emphasise certainty and hold out the promise of providing neat answers are attractive to
people confronted by the uncertainties and complexities of their lives. It is therefore not surprising to
discover that clients seek out certainty in career counselling and prefer that counsellors give advice,
opinions and answers. This presents a challenge because we live in a world that is not simple, certain and predictable, and a world that is populated by people who are complex, changing and inherently unpredictable.
Rising without trace in the organization
Fraud in the workplace is far more widespread than most us will publicly admit. I am not talking about employees taking the pens home or wiring a lazy eleventy trillion from the pension fund into their offshore accounts. I am talking about that sense that many of us have from time to time that we are not as good at our jobs as our colleagues appear to believe we are – that we are frauds and sooner or later our manifest limitations will be cruelly exposed.
Chance events that can ruin a career aka mad sports injuries!
Five-time batting champion Wade Boggs missed a week when he lost his balance putting on his cowboy boots and fell into a couch