The Strange Strength of Vulnerability Here is a paradox - the strongest systems are those that are most susceptible to change. They are the ones that have a lot of connections. The more connected a person is, the more sources of support they can draw upon when they are struggling. The more people in a person's ...
Tag Archives: meaning
Transform your Career by shifting: Shift 7 From Goals, Roles And Routines To Meaning, Mattering, And Black Swans
Finding Harmony in work: A strategy to re-soul your career
Harmony: Finding Harmony in work: A strategy to re-soul your career In my earlier blog Resouling your career I defined harmony in the following terms: "Harmony is a joyful dance through and with life." Here I want to expand on some practical ideas for finding harmony in your career. In part prompted by Ed Colozzi's excellent ...
Five ways to resoul your career
Five ways to resoul your career What is the point? Why am I doing this? Who cares? Does it matter? As Poehnell & Amundson (2011) point out "Many have questions about who they are and what they ought to be doing with their lives. Many struggle with personal and external issues that make it difficult for them to ...