Webinar Series! - Coaching clients using the Chaos Theory of Careers - 10 1 hour webinars presented by Dr Jim Bright Training for Organisations - in-house courses StressSmart®, Job Applications & Promotions, Dealing with Difficult People, Authentic Coaching & Career Conversations for Work Excellence® Dates - dates of public training for the rest of this year Chaos Theory ...
Tag Archives: performance
Slow shift, fast shift, deep shift – Keynote Presentation to International Coaching Congress, Manly, Australia 2012

Shift: Slow shift, fast shift, deep shift - Keynote Presentation to International Coaching Congress, Manly, Australia 2012 How coaches can enhance their practice using shift principles. Fast Shift Slow Shift Deep Shift Coaching using the Chaos Theory of Careers presented by Dr Jim Bright Coaching is about change and therefore we need to embrace the ideas of fast ...
Is goal setting past its peak? Some new data.

How long has there been serious interest in goal setting? You might be forgiven for thinking it has always been a key approach to changing human behavior. However according to PsycInfo (the largest and most authoritative database on published psychological research), between 1900 and 1980, a search of this data base on the terms "goal ...
The Strange Strength of Vulnerability
The Strange Strength of Vulnerability Here is a paradox - the strongest systems are those that are most susceptible to change. They are the ones that have a lot of connections. The more connected a person is, the more sources of support they can draw upon when they are struggling. The more people in a person's ...
Jim Bright talking change and chaos video from his Cannexus Keynote 2011
Here is a five minute video of my Keynote "Know Change and No Change: how I learned to love Chaos" presented at the Cannexus Career Development Conference in January 2011 If you like it, please mark it as liked on youtube and even leave a comment or two!
Transform your Career by shifting: Shift 7 From Goals, Roles And Routines To Meaning, Mattering, And Black Swans
Oppositional Thoughts Volume 7 – Amusing Sideways look at Careers, HR and Life Advice

Here is Volume 7 of my Oppositional Thoughts...They are designed to gently puncture some of the slightly precious life advice out there, and to complexify overly simplistic homilies, that make life appear a lot simpler than it is in reality. You can find Volume 6 here, Volume 5 here, Volume 4 here, Volume 3 here and Volume 2 ...