- Oppositional Thoughts…It is what it is. But what if what it was wasn’t, was it ever? #
- Embracing paradox is another of saying that we need to embrace complexity. That means chaos:uncertainty, change, opportunity and creativity #
- About to go on Richard glover abc702 to discuss a galaxy survey saying 30% job applicants lie..can u trust survey results from liars? #
- Chaos theory of careers…over 82% of people will experience a chance event that significantly alters their career plans #
- Chaos Theory of Careers…career patterns are often fractal. Repeating themes emerge in behaviors as your career develops #
- Chaos theory of careers…when insecure about the uncertainty of the future we err by trying to reduce complexity into simplistic goals #
- Chaos Theory of Careers…we underestimate the potential for unexpected change in the future and overestimate our control of past events #
- Chaos theory of careers….we need to move from prediction to prediction AND pattern making #
- I'm making my tweets permanent with http://BackupMyTweets.com (please retweet) #
- Chaos theory of careers…change is inevitable except from a vending machine #
- Chaos theory of careers…over planning and too much goal setting reduces capacity for seizing opportunities and overestimates our control #
- Chaos theory of careers…the appropriate response to complexity and unpredictability is neither fatalism nor controlling, but humility #
- Chaos theory of careers…is not saying everything is random, rather things are complex, interconnected, but a dynamic order does emerge #
- Oppositional Thoughts…It is good to be open to receiving as well as giving. I took this advice and promptly received a letter bomb. #
- Chaos theory of careers…some times small steps are all it takes to change things dramatically #
- Chaos theory of careers…you do not have to change everything to change everything #
- Chaos theory of careers…goals, roles and routines are all attempts to tame #complexity into something simpler and static. #
- Oppositional Thoughts…Honesty is the best policy. So what are the other policies? An honest person would list them all. #
- Chaos Theory of Careers…Shiftwork:the work we all have to do to adapt and persist productively with the shifting fortunes of our careers. #
- Oppositional thoughts…being able to step outside and look down on what you are doing is fantastic unless you are on an operating table… #
- Chaos Theory of Careers…Shiftwork Shift 3: We need to shift From Narrowing Down to Being Focused on Openness #
- Chaos Theory of Careers…Shiftwork Shift 4: Shift 4: We need to shift From Control to Controlled Flexibility #
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