Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-03

  • It is important to use client stories or narratives as well as testing approaches for comprehensive coaching see this #
  • An Amazing #resume formula as featured in Amazing Resumes and featured in this article #
  • Getting rejected at #interviews ? Worried about your referees? How to work out what's happening. #
  • Are you leveraging luck and chance opportunities in your career? It plays a big role in success. #career #job #luck #
  • Want to write a great cover letter. Some cover letter advice in this cover letter makeover #career #job #resume #
  • There is more to reality than our thoughts. The world "would not be worth living in if it did not exist independently from the self" CJames #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…walk a mile in someone else's shoes and get arrested by the store detective… #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…Every day, I am getting better and better. It’s what I’m getting better at that is worrying me. #
  • The top 10 job hunting myths busted! #jobs #career see also @SelenaDehne @LoriCatesHand #
  • Writing new edition (4th) of Brilliant CV Any suggestions for revisions or additions? #resumes #cv #jobs #employment #
  • now I know how a software pirate feels – busy feeding my Chaos Careers DVD into 10 slot burner to give copies to the #NCDA delegates #
  • Oppositional Thoughts… If you are not planning to fail, then you are not planning #
  • Oppositional thoughts…Video didn't kill the radio star, but social media is currently being held for questioning… #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…you can't seize the day if you are too busy planning #
  • why do places of learning and creativity contrive to have the most boring names for rooms like "T1", "Comp2", etc? #
  • Scary job won't flush #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…Is the failure to include failure as an option a failure? #
  • Oppositional Thoughts… Great doubts deep wisdom. Small doubts little wisdom. Should I have small or great doubts about this saying? #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…Never be afraid to ask for your friend's business. I asked.She said the shareholders wouldn't let her give it to me. #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…I tried living in the moment but was evicted for not paying the rent… #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…building on greenfield sites is just a conspiracy to age us. We sound old saying "I remember when it was all fields" #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…To live is to move. Which is a worry if you are horizontal and being driven to a cematary. #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…It is never a good idea to put out your boss. So when she caught fire, I was only being polite in doing nothing… #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…To live is to move. Which is a worry if you are horizontal and being driven to a cemetery. #
  • Chaos again:An unexpected journey: a major illness turned hairdresser Rebecca Herring into an artist & fashion designer #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…Just do it. I did, and it made my eyes water. #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…It is what it is. But what if what it was wasn’t, was it ever? #
  • Embracing paradox is another of saying that we need to embrace complexity. That means chaos:uncertainty, change, opportunity and creativity #
  • About to go on Richard glover abc702 to discuss a galaxy survey saying 30% job applicants lie..can u trust survey results from liars? #
  • Chaos theory of careers…over 82% of people will experience a chance event that significantly alters their career plans #
  • Chaos Theory of Careers…career patterns are often fractal. Repeating themes emerge in behaviors as your career develops #
  • Chaos theory of careers…when insecure about the uncertainty of the future we err by trying to reduce complexity into simplistic goals #
  • Chaos Theory of Careers…we underestimate the potential for unexpected change in the future and overestimate our control of past events #
  • Chaos theory of careers….we need to move from prediction to prediction AND pattern making #
  • I'm making my tweets permanent with (please retweet) #
  • Chaos theory of careers…change is inevitable except from a vending machine #
  • Chaos theory of careers…over planning and too much goal setting reduces capacity for seizing opportunities and overestimates our control #
  • Chaos theory of careers…the appropriate response to complexity and unpredictability is neither fatalism nor controlling, but humility #
  • Chaos theory of careers…is not saying everything is random, rather things are complex, interconnected, but a dynamic order does emerge #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…It is good to be open to receiving as well as giving. I took this advice and promptly received a letter bomb. #
  • Chaos theory of careers…some times small steps are all it takes to change things dramatically #
  • Chaos theory of careers…you do not have to change everything to change everything #
  • Chaos theory of careers…goals, roles and routines are all attempts to tame #complexity into something simpler and static. #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…Honesty is the best policy. So what are the other policies? An honest person would list them all. #
  • Chaos Theory of Careers…Shiftwork:the work we all have to do to adapt and persist productively with the shifting fortunes of our careers. #
  • Oppositional thoughts…being able to step outside and look down on what you are doing is fantastic unless you are on an operating table… #
  • Chaos Theory of Careers…Shiftwork Shift 3: We need to shift From Narrowing Down to Being Focused on Openness #
  • Chaos Theory of Careers…Shiftwork Shift 4: Shift 4: We need to shift From Control to Controlled Flexibility #
  • For all those who asked for the #NCDA DVD containing all the presentations etc, they were posted off today to all parts of the world #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…Life is a choice. What do you choose? Well, periodic detention, or a good behavior bond is better than life surely? #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…If the water is still how can it run, let alone deep? #
  • Chaos Theory of Careers…Shiftwork, Shift 6 move from thinking Probabilities to imagining Possibilities #
  • Chaos Theory of Careers…Shiftwork, Shift 5: Move from seeing Risk as potential Failure to Risk as promising Endeavour #
  • Bright, J.E.H., Pryor, R.G.L., Wilkenfeld, S and Earl, J. (2005). Infl of career decision-making. Int Jnl for Ed and Voc Guid 5 (1),19 – 36 #
  • Oppositional Thoughts… A puff of wind and popular praise weigh the same. Not in a packed lift they don’t. #
  • 10 steps to get closer to getting the job #
  • Some rarely considered dangers of relying on Gen Y stereotypes.. #
  • What to do when employers break their promises about your job.. #
  • Look out for the Dick Bolles interview on the Factory Podcast. Coming out on 8th August. Find it here #
  • The most popular post on The Factory Podcast and blog this week is about luck and chance in careers see it here #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…I can’t recall ever being on a train that served gravy. #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…how can I achieve a ripple effect without making waves? #
  • There's no success like failure, listen to our Factory podcast on the benefits of failing in your career development #
  • Chaos theory of careers…goal setting represents an over simplication of #complexity #
  • Goal setting harms organizations in systematic and predictable ways.
    From #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…Standing in the middle of a vineyard, I saw two people talking, but I couldn’t hear the talk through the grapevine. #
  • Fear stifles some of the most important career behaviours we need to exhibit to be successful in the 21st century #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…A group exercise. Get as many people as possible to lay their hands on a bulb to see if they make the light work. #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…I was lost in the woods when I stumbled over a neck. But it wasn’t ours. #
  • Chaos Theory of Careers.Shiftwork.Shift 8:From Informing to
    Informing And Transforming. How are we supporting transformation in our clients? #
  • The Chaos of Careers. Shiftwork.Shift 9:From Normative Thinking to Normative + Scalable Thinking.Creating dramatic as well as gradual change #
  • Providing practical and evidence-based careers services,views from a world expert.Hear the Janet Lenz Factory interview #
  • Do you want practical Job search advice? Watch this Factory vodcast #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…Reach for the stars. I did and I got ejected off the red carpet shortly after. #
  • Sometimes good taste rule breaking frees you from the pedants… #
  • The Chaos Theory of Careers…The new book details can be found here, out soonish #
  • The Chaos Theory of Careers…Excellent article here about the need to take a more complex view of careers #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…What if you follow your Passion and your Passion gets a restraining order for stalking? #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…I can’t set my goals. I tried putting them in the freezer, but they are still runny. #
  • Oppositional Thoughts..When the going gets tough the tough get going. Not in the case of my over-cooked steak. It just sat there defying me. #
  • Amazing Resumes. Evidence-based.Ch 1.Selling yourself is about being positive and persuading others to share this view of you. #
  • Amazing Resumes. Evidence-based advice.Ch 2.The best candidate for the job will be best match all the requirements of the job. #
  • Amazing Resumes. Evidence-based.Ch 3.Think about what the employer is looking for and then reflect that in your resume.. #
  • Amazing Resumes. Evidence-based.Ch 1.Selling yourself is about being positive and persuading others to share this view of you. #
  • Amazing Resumes. Evidence-based.Ch 2.The best candidate for the job will be best match all the requirements of the job. #
  • Amazing Resumes. Evidence-based.Ch 3.Think about what the employer is looking for and then reflect that in your resume. #
  • Amazing Resumes.Ch 4.a resume that addresses only a couple of key points is likely to get thrown out with the rest. #
  • Amazing Resumes. Evidence-based. Ch 5.Try to get as much objective evidence as possible about prospective employers. #
  • TheFactoryPod Amazing Resumes.Ch 6.people can forget what they have achieved or play down their role in successes. #
  • Amazing Resumes. Evidence. Ch 7. We highlight some of the most common "psychological" traits that employers look for #
  • Do not bore the reader by listing every qualification you have obtained—keep it to the relevant and impressive stuff. #
  • Where will you be in 5, 10, 20 years? Youtube video introducing #Chaos Theory of #Careers and #complexity #future #
  • #Bullying at #work is one of the most common #workplace and #career issues. #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…Short term pain, long term gain..of haunting memories of the pain… #
  • Career Coaching, Counselling & Assessment Course, 3-days with Jim Bright, in Sydney Sept 15-17. Details here #
  • Career Coaching, Counselling & Assessment Course, 3-days with Jim Bright, in Melbourne Oct 19 – 21. Details here #
  • Career Coaching, Counselling & Assessment Course, 3-days with Jim Bright, in Sydney Sept 15-17, in Melbourne Oct 19 – 2… #
  • Oppositional Thoughts…I want to carry something out in narrow daylight, the other kind is too wide to fit through my front door. #

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